Tutorial 2

This weeks unity tutorials we about creating the world that our game is going to be played in. I didn't complete the tile steps correctly last week I saw this was a necessary part of the game so went back and finished them off before I started the new tutorials. 

The first tutorial was really just about pacing the world together creating a map for the player to play on. putting boxes on and things like trees and houses on the map. Below is an image of how my game setting is looking. We changed the sprite sort point to pivot so that the player looked a bit more realistic when passing through objects. 

The second tutorial was about giving the game physics. We did this so our player wouldn't be able to walk through solid objects. this was done by adding rigid body's and box colliders

Over all this weeks unity tutorial wasn’t that hard. It took me a bit longer than the designated time but that’s my own fault really. Its cool to see the game come along nicely.


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