Week 9 Reading and Writing


This weeks reading task was to look back over all our previous reading a writing assignment’s. Ill start off by saying this. I haven’t found the readings enjoyable just because its not an area I’m passionate about but I have found them bearable and useful. They’re not overly complicated so if you put the time in there’s no reason for me to complain.


I Personally haven’t had too many issues with the tasks. It definitely helps that there are 3 different articles covering the same topics. I found this helpful because the academic papers I find a very hard to digest. If all we had were the academic papers I would probably have no clue what were supposed to be learning over the semester. With that being said every week I go to attempt the academic paper they’re slowly becoming easier to digest.    


I think the reading tasks definitely helped me when it comes to creating our games. Throughout the semester all the information we need to create a successful game plus more is given to us . I have found them all quite interesting so far. Week 8 “Game Fun” was probably my favourite.


I really enjoyed this reading because it was almost like something you would read in a psychology book. I thought it was really cool how game designers have to  up the challenges as the players abilities are improved and all about the flow state. I also enjoyed the reading on MDA because I had never really thought much about what goes into video games and the MDA really broke it down. 


The readings on the  GDD were also extremely helpful when it came to creating those documents for our own game.


Looking forward I think the lectures where Shaun goes over the content with us have been very useful. I think it was a great idea for him to show us how to do it once or twice my only concern is that people will become dependent on him and the group for the reading task each week. It was great for him to show us what he wanted but I feel like many students including myself don’t really reach all of the learning outcomes because we may become reliant on others to complete the work for us. So I’ve decided that in order for me to properly understand the reading tasks each week I will be doing them alone or in a group of maybe 3 or 4 people.. 




This image was my favourite because for me it sums up simply what I feel is the most important thing in a game. When designing a game it you could have the nicest cleanest looking 4k  ultra realistic graphics but if the game doesn’t maintain a flow state the player will quickly become un intrested.


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