
 Finding papers for this week was pretty difficult I had initially been using the college library website but I then switched to using google scholar which I found a lot more effective I was able to find papers a-lot faster. I find that in a lot of papers that I look at on my topic there’s a fair bit of repetition. So I decided to mind map my topic and expand it a bit so I would have more success in diversifying my writings. 

So this week I read a paper that looked at games as a meaningful experience. They conducted a test on two groups of people to examine the perceptions of enjoyable and meaningful video games. another hot topic that I decided to look into was the emotional and psychological aspect of first person shooter games and the reactions to the violence.

Another paper I read read was about the physical interactions the player has with a machine. The vibrations of the controller the reactions caused from pressing the buttons to the sound effects linked with these things. They all add to the immersion of the player in the game.  

