Tutorial 01

 This week we undertook our first set of unity tutorials. We started on a 2d game that we will be making over the course of the next few weeks. The first tutorial was just about setting up the 2d editor. it was a little bit confusing but a lot of the layout is pretty similar to when we were making 3d games back in semester 1.

once we did that we began making the main character for our game. I'm not entirely sure what happened I just followed the tutorial the best I could but I think we turned a png image into what's called a sprite. I think sprites are basically game objects. After we converted out character into a sprite we placed him/her in the game and went about coding the character so that when the arrow keys were pressed the character would move up down left and right.

finally we started on tiles. This was the most confusing part to me. I kinda understood what was happening by Turing them into sprites too and slicing them into grids but I found the painting part quite confusing and will probably need to go over again if we are ever dealing with tiles in the future which I imagine we will be.



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