Unity Tutorial 07
This weeks unity tutorial was interesting. In the first tutorial we went about creating a sphere (player) than adding a texture to it. We then coded it so that the sphere could roll forwards and backwards when the up and down arrow keys were being pressed. The we created a fixed focal point in the game and made the camera a child component of this empty game object then we added some code so that the camera would rotate around this fixed point when the left and right arrow keys were being pressed. Lastly in this tutorial we coded the sphere to roll up and down to whichever way the camera was facing this gives the players a way to navigate the platform.
In the second tutorial we created an enemy sphere we then used a vector I think to have the enemy sphere track locate and try push the player off the platform. This was the quickest tutorial. We created a spawn manager then turned the enemy into a prefab so that we could have the enemy sphere spawn at random points..
In the final tutorial we wanted to create a powerup that would give the player the super strength and push the enemy’s back. This was the most challenging part of this game I will probably revisit it at some point but after spending an hour trying to figure out what was wrong with my code I gave in.
Here is a picture of my code and the step I got caught on if anyone can spot the error let me know down below
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