Review week Comments and Feedback

Comments and Feedback 

Feedback In:


I think the whole general idea of giving weekly feedback is a great idea. Its nice to see people leaving nice comments on your blogs it really puts you in a good mood. Under the current circumstances of covid 19 and lockdown were constantly surrounded by negativity in the news and media and just small simple comments can really brighten up someone day it might not seem like a big deal to the person leaving the comment but a little kindness can go a long way. 


Apart for the uplift in moral that the  comments bring they often incorporate valuable feedback with people offering suggestions. I like to ask questions in my blog asking for advice or opinions and I almost always get a response. I also write about my struggles in the blog posts and it is always reassuring when people comment that they are also in the same boat it builds a sense of community.


Feedback out:


Whenever I’m leaving feedback for other people I always try and follow the TAG (Tell, Ask, Give) feedback strategy. This feedback always starts off by telling someone what you like about their posts more of informal talk then you follow it up by asking a question about their game or maybe searching for clarity on a topic or statement that you didn’t fully understand. Finally we have give, This is an opportunity to give the person some feedback maybe offering a suggestion talking about your own personal experiences and how you would go about solving fixing or changing an issue. The important part about the give is to make a statement an then follow it up with reasoning as to why you think this. Then the recipient understands there’s no ill intention behind your suggestion. 


Giving feedback is something that is new to me I think by looking at other people’s work and identifying potential flaws or things that could be improved really makes you challenge your own work. I used to constantly just do my work as I wanted to and submit without even thinking twice I think the feedback strategies have challenged me to look at all my work not just in this module and question what could I be doing better? How could I improve on this?


Looking back over my introduction post I’m quite confident it represents me pretty well as for the rest of the blog I wouldn’t say people will get to know me all that well from reading my posts I think they will get to know a side of me. My blog more represents the working and professional side of me.  In the comments I’m more likely to react in a friendly and genuine manor that’s where my personality will come out


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