First Playable

 This week we started on our coding. last week we were just gathering all our assets together and creating our scene. We started off by positioning the camera behind the skateboard to give us the in game view that we wanted this was pretty straight forward. Then we started on the coding for the player. 

The coding for the player in my game is pretty much the same for the coding of the car in our first unity tutorial. I went back and watched the videos on how he nodded his game and applied what was nescesary to my game. All that needed changing was the speed and the turning. I thing added rigid bodies the obstacles for a start. I event gotten them to move yet but that won't be too hard. I took it pretty easy this week because of the submissions I had in other modules but next week I think I'll probably struggle with repeating the road constantly so that the driver doesnt fall off the edge.  Thats the only thing I'm a bit uncertain about. The rest of it should be straight forward.


  1. Hi Daniel, from reading your previous project posts, your game seems great. It reminds me of the skateboard games that were really popular maybe 10ish years ago on phones. I was addicted. Are you still struggling to get a suitable backdrop? I struggled with assets myself, so it's great to see you found yours a lot easier. It's also clearly coming along nicely! Have you found any tutorials on what could help extend your road to last forever? Are you making anything customisable for the player or is the game just as is? I'm interested to see what you do next with it, especially since you said you took it light this week. I'm sure a lot will change the next time you work on it. Best of luck!


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