Time Stratagies

 The first of the 2 articles I chose to read was "How to beat procrastination" by Caroline Webb.


I chose this article to read first because I personally think I'm the king at procrastination. Its probably my biggest downfall when it comes to completeitng tasks. I know I'm well capable for the work I just find any excuse not to do it. All of the tips and advice she gave in the article were very true but the was one that I think will probably benefit me the most and it was this.

"visualise how great it will be to get it done" This advice designated with me the most because whenever I put something off I make it 10 times more stressful for myself by not doing it. And the feeling of accomplisment when you Finnish something on time or even ahead of schedule is a nice feeling. 

The second article I chose to read was "time management tips just for creatives." by Amanda 


I enjoyed this article as-well my favourite piece of advice from it was to manage your energy swell as your time and to rank tasks in order of how much energy you will need to put into each of them. its important to do this so you don't end up putting a lot of energy into a task that doesn't require it and then have no energy left for the bigger tasks.  Another takeaway I got from this was to make a list of tasks at the end of the day so you know what you have to do the next day.



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