Game Design

 The Text in the first ArticleWhat is a game Anyway? was quite accessible and easily read. it provided insight clear insight into what a game is. Many definitions were provide to us in this piece. 

One that I believe sums up the description of a game is a voluntary effort or action to overcome an unecessary challenge or task.

I attempted to read the second article The organic nature of game ideation But I found the wording and information in this article very challenging and difficult to understand. whilst I still attempted to read the language used made it very difficult to absorb the information being shared.

The final article Four Basic Methods for Generating Ideas was easier to consume as opposed top the second. Here we learned of 4 different methods used when coming up with new game concepts

1 .concentration

This method appeals to me because you are influenced by your surroundings. So varying locations and environments equates for different results and outcomes.

2. Brainstorming.

This method offers many different outcomes depending on who is chosen to be part of your brainstorming groups. It is important to have a wide variety of participants to ensure a wide variety of ideas and outcomes.


My understanding of camper is to replace an element from a pre existing project / concepts with something new. so essentially applying the new to the old.


My understanding of the Ramsey method is to take a preexisting story line or concept and look at it in a great amount of depth and keep looking until you are able to find links and connections that can be turned into a game. to be quite honest with you I don't really understand this method all that much. 


  1. Hey Daniel,

    Your blog was a good read and you summarized the articles pretty well. I also found that the second article was a pretty hard read as the language used was just hard to process for my small brain but it is what it is. Personally the 4 method article had helped me to come up with my game idea!

  2. Hi Daniel,
    I enjoyed reading your blog on game design. I agree with you on the second article I couldn't wrap my head around the language they were using in it. I also don't understand the Ramsey method its quite confusing. I hope you enjoyed the semester!
    - Lauren


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