Growth Mindset

 After watching the videos in a sense I guess they were pretty inspiring. I was instantly reminded of theses youtube creators that I enjoy watching that go by the channel name of yes theory. Yes Theory have a slogan that they put on all of their merchandise that reads 

Seek Discomfort. 

I could probably write for hours on the importance of those two words. But ultimately it sums up that progression doesn't come from staying in a box or a comfort zone. 

I think when it comes to eductaion its so easy to have a fixed mindset. And when I think about it eductaion is probably the only thing I have been going into with a fixed mindset. with everything else I do, sports instruments etc. I like to think I approach with a growth mindset and it just makes me wonder what im actually capable of acomplishing if I concentrate on the process and learning instead of settling for the standard of good enough.

I definetly think approaching this year with the growth mindest couldn't hurt so I look forward to applying it to this class and in others.     


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