
Tutorial 05

 This week I covered tutorial number 4 swell as number 5. Tutorial number 4 was about creating sprite animations of a robot within the game this tutorial was pretty challenging there was a lot of new things that we haven't been over before. we started off by using the animator component in unity and set up a new player controller within the animator component. Then when animating the robot all the frames had been given to us in our assets folder so we put those together in the animator this was the easy part the tutorial then got difficult when using the blend tree and setting the parameters but we got there in the end. the next tutorial was about creating a projectile. This was pretty straight forward all the code was given to us in the tutorial we made the projectile out of a cog sprite and then applied the appropiate physics to that it would collide with objects and fix the robot when collided with. Tutorial number 5 was about setting up the camera. We installed a package called


 Finding papers for this week was pretty difficult I had initially been using the college library website but I then switched to using google scholar which I found a lot more effective I was able to find papers a-lot faster. I find that in a lot of papers that I look at on my topic there’s a fair bit of repetition. So I decided to mind map my topic and expand it a bit so I would have more success in diversifying my writings.  So this week I read a paper that looked at games as a meaningful experience. They conducted a test on two groups of people to examine the perceptions of enjoyable and meaningful video games. another hot topic that I decided to look into was the emotional and psychological aspect of first person shooter games and the reactions to the violence. Another paper I read read was about the physical interactions the player has with a machine. The vibrations of the controller the reactions caused from pressing the buttons to the sound effects linked with these things. They

Tutorial 2

This weeks unity tutorials we about creating the world that our game is going to be played in. I didn't complete the tile steps correctly last week I saw this was a necessary part of the game so went back and finished them off before I started the new tutorials.  The first tutorial was really just about pacing the world together creating a map for the player to play on. putting boxes on and things like trees and houses on the map. Below is an image of how my game setting is looking. We changed the sprite sort point to pivot so that the player looked a bit more realistic when passing through objects.  The second tutorial was about giving the game physics. We did this so our player wouldn't be able to walk through solid objects. this was done by adding rigid body's and box colliders Over all this weeks unity tutorial wasn’t that hard. It took me a bit longer than the designated time but that’s my own fault really. Its cool to see the game come along nicely.

Reading 03

This week we had to make 4 annotated bibliography’s. This seemed like a daunting task when first looking at it but it actually wasn't even that bad it was just time consuming. My topic was stories in games and why they're important. I just took it one paper at a time. The research I came across was actually very interesting. The first paper was all about how stories evoke emotions and how game designers measure the emotions when testing the game and this can predict whether or not the games going to be successful.     The second paper was about how games are set up so that the player becomes invested in the game the techniques used by game designers to encourage the player to become emotionally invested in the game. How they make the player feel become more attached to the character making them feel like they have control like they’re actually in the game.    The third piece of writing I chose was an article on the importance of stories in human behaviour. How they’ve been arou

Tutorial 01

 This week we undertook our first set of unity tutorials. We started on a 2d game that we will be making over the course of the next few weeks. The first tutorial was just about setting up the 2d editor. it was a little bit confusing but a lot of the layout is pretty similar to when we were making 3d games back in semester 1. once we did that we began making the main character for our game. I'm not entirely sure what happened I just followed the tutorial the best I could but I think we turned a png image into what's called a sprite. I think sprites are basically game objects. After we converted out character into a sprite we placed him/her in the game and went about coding the character so that when the arrow keys were pressed the character would move up down left and right. finally we started on tiles. This was the most confusing part to me. I kinda understood what was happening by Turing them into sprites too and slicing them into grids but I found the painting part quite con


 This week we chose the topic that we will begin research on. I chose to do mine on stories in games and more specifically why its important to put stories in games. Below is a picture of a mind map that I created and will use to help with my research. Secondly we had a talk from the librarian she showed us how to find books from the library and also how to use refworks  which is a programme for making life easier when it comes to refrencing.

Game Testing

 Game testing is a crucial part of game testing when creating a game its important to start testing as early as possible. there are a few risks when it comes to game testing. having a game with a non compelling experience. if its missing the fun factor or if its non player friendly if it is not a unique fast or competitive game  the purpose of game testing is to detect bugs and retain documentation of software products. There are 7 popular game testing methods 1. Fuctionality testing - Regards the overall testing of the functions within the game basically just making sure that all the game functions e.g. motion, audio, freezing, crashing etc..are running smoothly  2. Combonational - Determines how much further testing needs to be done on the game it improves the overall effectiveness of the testing experience. 3. Ad HOC Testing - this is more general testing it involves less structure and can be done at any point of development. It is completed by error guessing which is directing erro