
Showing posts from September, 2020

Assignments intro

 First impressions of the course material. All together it doesn't seem like its going to be that difficult but it definitly sounds like its going to be time consuming. I also like how theres option for extra credit just incase you fall behind. I'm going to do my best to stay on top of my work this year but its nice to know I can redeem myself just incase I fall a bit behind.  But if everything continues as it is I might not even need the extra credits ill probably try to get 1 extra credit piece done once every week or 2 weeks so that maybe ill even get to Finnish up early. 4978369235

Growth Mindset

 After watching the videos in a sense I guess they were pretty inspiring. I was instantly reminded of theses youtube creators that I enjoy watching that go by the channel name of yes theory. Yes Theory have a slogan that they put on all of their merchandise that reads  Seek Discomfort.  I could probably write for hours on the importance of those two words. But ultimately it sums up that progression doesn't come from staying in a box or a comfort zone.  I think when it comes to eductaion its so easy to have a fixed mindset. And when I think about it eductaion is probably the only thing I have been going into with a fixed mindset. with everything else I do, sports instruments etc. I like to think I approach with a growth mindset and it just makes me wonder what im actually capable of acomplishing if I concentrate on the process and learning instead of settling for the standard of good enough. I definetly think approaching this year with the growth mindest couldn't hurt...

Introduction Post

 Hello my name is Daniel Jupe. I am 20 years old and in 2nd year of the Creative digital media course in TU Dublin. My Favourite part of last year was the studio photography module. I enjoyed this module the most because I learnt a lot about lighting and photography and it was the most enjoyable for me. To be entirely honest my goal for this module is just to pass. I haven't really got much interest in video games I will remain open minded going into this module but I can't imagine ill enjoy it that much so just a B or a C would do me. In My spare time when I'm not doing college work or working my job I like to go to the gym, listen to music /podcasts, go skating and surfing for the weekend whenever I get it off. I think my short term goal is to get through to 3rd year without any more repeats. in the longer run Id like to work with some company like red bull or some kind of production company to do photography and videography covering action sports, concerts and festivals....

My Favourite Video Game

 I was never really into games but one that I did enjoy was MarioKart on the Nintendo DS. Mario Kart on the Ds first came out on November 14th 2005